I want to Evolve faster!

Phil Hanson
7 min readJun 20, 2020

I want to have the choice to evolve faster than the world is allowing me to. My life quality, my way of living day to day, the political, economic and environmental systems which determine how I live, are all based on the activities of others. Hence, the speed at which I can evolve, is determined by the speed at which everyone else chooses to. I guess you could say it’s a one size fits all solution. Either everyone evolves at the same pace, or nobody does.

By the way, when I say evolution I do not mean physically speaking as the picture above would imply. I mean mentally and spiritually speaking, as a society, not just for me as an individual.

My personal opinion is that our species is not intentional enough about moving to the next stage in our evolution. I want us as a species to move out of the dark ages, into the future. I want us to evolve into the next stage of our existence now, not in 20 or 100 years time when everyone is deemed worthy enough.

We have groups of individuals all over the world who are holding us back from our evolution. I want to see us implement the right to choose how fast or slow we evolve. I want us to create entirely new paradigms, designed with one purpose in mind — the future evolution of the human species.

To give some context to the statements I make in my introduction, I thought I would start by sharing a few examples of the kinds of people who are causing the slowdown of the mental and spiritual evolution of our species:

  1. Recently in London, a group of people thought it was acceptable behavior to make nazi salutes, abuse police and deface historic landmarks. This is not an isolated case, you can find others like this in many cities.
  2. We have racists, fascists and bigots all round the world who are killing other humans simply because of the color of their skin, their religious beliefs, or their sexuality.
  3. There are entire industries built around the exploitation of animals for food, tearing down rainforests to build palm oil plantations, and spending millions marketing brightly colored packaging designed to make sugary foods seem appealing and good for you.
  4. Organised criminal groups make millions off the sale of other humans. Slave trading is still rife, still ongoing in a lot of cities, and it is still making a lot of people very rich and powerful, while others suffer and in some cases, die.

You would be forgiven for thinking that these examples are from the history books, something out of the 1900's. Of course not, this is 2020 folks and these examples and many others like them, are still ongoing. Still tolerated, still known about, still allowed to continue.

Yet in this same world we have other groups of people who want to evolve past all of this, who want to find a way to peacefully coexist, to live off the land, to use a collective knowledge to take our species out of the dark ages and into the next stage of our evolution.

What is happening today is what has always happened. We may have better technology than we did thousands of years ago, but in many ways we’re no different than we were back in the stone ages, before anyone even knew what the word technology meant!

Think of it this way. You can compare our Lives, our very evolution, to what happens in a school classroom. One child misbehaves, continuously, so the teacher punishes the whole class. The entire group may be made up of 30 kids, 29 of whom just want to learn, have a good time and a bit of fun. 1 child however does not want this, he wants to cause disruption for the sake of it, to make the teacher angry because this amuses him. Now maybe this is because of his upbringing. Perhaps he has no father figure in his life, or parents who set a bad example to him, as their parents did to them. Whatever the reasons, the teacher does not stand for this, so the whole class is made to endure punishment because of the actions of 1 individual. Using this analogy, the rest of the class is not permitted to evolve their learning faster than the lowest common denominator, because that single child saw fit to cause disruption.

Speed of evolution in the classroom, much like in life, is dictated by the weakest or most disruptive in the group. Entire systems, even industries, are created to cater for the weak and disruptive in society. Their sole purpose for existing is to stop the bad people from doing bad things, and in some cases, a lot of cases, they exist to make profit for others. This is the way things have always been done, but it does not mean it is the way things should continue being done. To enable our evolution as a species, we should implement proactive global solutions which are designed to encourage and advance our evolution, in spite of the slow progress of others.

If there is a group of people in society who are ready to evolve out of the dark ages of corruption, crime, anger, war, self interest, violence and greed, why not allow that group to evolve faster than those who do not wish to? Why hold them back if they are ready to move forward?

If you are ready to run a marathon but your next door neighbor is not, do you wait for your neighbor to train themselves before you compete? No, of course not. You sort yourself out, do your own training and run the marathon yourself when you are ready to. Life itself, our entire existence works to the same principles. Why wait for the people who are not ready to evolve? Why should I slow down and halt my evolution while I wait for others to catch up to where my mind is at. Why not allow a world where those who are ready to advance, ready to evolve, can do so in their own way, in their own time, without being held back by the ones who do not wish to advance at all?

One possible solution for this could be the impending Mars colonisation that Elon Musk is planning. Let’s say we find a way to split the human species up into 2 halves. The half who are intent on killing each other, intent on making money to gain more power to exploit people, animals, situations, the ones who think nazi salutes still have a place in their world, let them stay on earth. They can have the planet, they’ve won. For now.

The other half of the people who don’t want any part of this, who want to live peacefully, share knowledge, remove debt, share wealth (if such a concept has to exist in the future), use their mental and physical strength for good things, their intelligence to further advance the human potential, let them move to Mars, to start a Human Being v2.0 sub-species. A second variation on our species which is more advanced than its cave man-esque counterparts.

I am not talking super human abilities here, not talking about finding meta-humans (as the MCU calls them) and shipping them all to Mars. I am simply talking about being mentally more advanced. Human Being v2.0 sub-species would contain those people who have a mind which does not see violence, greed, corruption, war and killing as the means and the end. These people, like myself, have a mind which sees the potential in our future, and which has the desire to act on it now, not in some far off distant reality.

Imagine this were possible. Now fast forward 100 years of allowing this to play out. Would the colony left on earth have killed itself off? Would Mother Nature have started to heal herself, restored balance back to the environment as we recently saw to a small degree during the lockdown? Would the colony on Mars have developed whole new ways of thinking, developed technologies to advance even further into the cosmos than Mars? Would they be ready to return to Earth, ready to have another go and this time, to do it right?

We had an opportunity this year to hit the reset button on our species and on our planet. It’s still early days as I write this, but it looks like we’re not being permitted the opportunity to hit the reset button. So perhaps those of us who want to hit reset, have to take matters into our own hands and find other ways to evolve outside of the systems that would appear to have restarted where they left off, rather than being reset to where they could be.

There is a solution for every problem, it’s not always obvious what the solution is, and it’s not always something that has been done before, but with enough work, patience, and a large amount of mental strength and willpower, it can be found.

If blue sky thinking is something you appreciate, stick around, I may write more like this!




Phil Hanson

Life Coach & Mindfulness Practitioner, writing about Coaching, Mentoring, Life Transformation, Mindfulness, Meditation, Spirituality without Religion & Buddhism